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TrustedSec Security Podcast - Episode 3.28

Episode - 3.28 - Enterprise Grade

April 24, 2020

Episode - 3.28 - Enterprise Grade

Welcome to the Trusted Security Podcast – a podcast dedicated to bringing the latest news on information security and the industry. This episode features the following members: Geoff Walton, Alex Hamerstone, Rick Yocum, and David Boyd.


Stories of Interest

Title: Ransomware scumbags leak Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX documents after contractor refuses to pay


Author: Shaun Nichols and Gareth Corfield


Title: DHS CISA: Companies are getting hacked even after patching Pulse Secure VPNs


Author: Catalin Cimpanu


Title: Researchers Say They Caught an iPhone Zero-Day Hack in the Wild


Author: Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai