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hash_parser is a tool that will export a rc file compatible with Metasploit. This is useful when compromising a separate domain and want to see if any of the credentials work on another domain or other systems


This is a hash parser that will export a rc file compatible with Metasploit. This is useful when compromising a separate domain and want to see if any of the credentials work on another domain or other systems.

The first input is the filename that contains the hashes ex: Admin:500:LM:NTLM. The second input is the remote IP address you want to use smb_logins on to validate if the creds work. The third is the domain to attempt this on, leave this blank for workgroup.

How to Get hash_parser

Option 1
To download hash_parser, type the following command in Linux:
git clone

Option 2
View on Git.

How to Get Help with hash_parser
For bug reports or enhancements, please open an issue on this projects GitHub page.